Senin, 29 Maret 2021

Re: Christian Garcia From Bank Of America (Priority)

Being a Branch Manager in Bank Of America. I have an Important & very private matter to Discuss with you concerning my late customer Dennis R. Kozacek who Died in a plane crash on 29th April 2019 with none of his family and associates linked to his $362Million in his company account with us. I know that recently what comes to mind when someone makes such a claim is "this may be lies or unrealistic" but Get back to me so that we can discuss and chat a way forward but you must be extremely secretive before replying to this email.
It's not a crime if you don't believe me and as such refuse to reply. I will prefer that you don't reply than reply but doubtful and unwilling which will eventually get us stock at the cross road and diminish our chances of success.
Please dont reply if you don't believe.
Christian Garcia
Branch Manager
NB: Here's the link to the story if you wish to confirm my info:

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