Selasa, 15 September 2020

Re: Advertising Enquiry on

Just making sure you saw this.

On Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 10:09 AM, Aarya Das <> wrote:

I am Aarya from Boss Digital Agency, I am an outreach specialist looking for quality websites. I think your site is a nice fit.

I am reaching out today in order to explore the possibilities of generating high quality content for your website and, in return, have it published in the form of a guest post on your site and receive backlinks to my client's websites. I have a team of copywriters who have been in this industry for years and who can deliver top-notch content on a variety of different subject matter.

Please get in touch with me if this at all seems interesting to you and your business.

By the way: If you manage or know further web pages that are interesting for an article of ours, I am happy to have a look at them too since we are aiming towards a substantial number of publications these months.

Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,


P.S  - If you are not interested and want to get out of my list click unsubscribe to stop receiving our emails.



Aarya Das
Outreach Specialist
LogoM: +91 8956872199
Boss Digital Agency Salt Lake City 700091 India

Minggu, 13 September 2020

Advertising Enquiry on


I am Aarya from Boss Digital Agency, I am an outreach specialist looking for quality websites. I think your site is a nice fit.

I am reaching out today in order to explore the possibilities of generating high quality content for your website and, in return, have it published in the form of a guest post on your site and receive backlinks to my client's websites. I have a team of copywriters who have been in this industry for years and who can deliver top-notch content on a variety of different subject matter.

Please get in touch with me if this at all seems interesting to you and your business.

By the way: If you manage or know further web pages that are interesting for an article of ours, I am happy to have a look at them too since we are aiming towards a substantial number of publications these months.

Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,


P.S  - If you are not interested and want to get out of my list click unsubscribe to stop receiving our emails.



Aarya Das
Outreach Specialist
LogoM: +91 8956872199
Boss Digital Agency Salt Lake City 700091 India

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