Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016

Pet related legit and very profitable Business Opp

Welcome Everyone....I would like to invite you to a very unique pet-related, work from home Business Opportunity.

If you are open to:

• Making a difference in the lives of pets and people

• Becoming a part of the multi-billion dollar pet industry

• Partnering up with a company that is grounded with integrity

• Earning an immediate income as you build a long-term recurring income

• Using the power of the internet to grow your very own business from home with an exclusive pet product, worldwide


Become a Pet Protector Independent Distributor

It’s a great way to pair your love for animals with reaching your financial goals.

Please visit the link below to find out more about the product that is needed by every pet owner around the world and that already has over 36 million satisfied users. You’ll also find more information about becoming a Distributor.

Enjoy and have a perfect Day!
Bobby Williams

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Will BLAZE Your Ads Across Eternity!

Will BLAZE Your Ads Across Eternity!..

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Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

MyPayingAds-Daily Progress Update!

MyPayingAds (MPA) - A 20 months old Revenue Sharing Program growing steadily and have been delivering great results. You will get PRO quality traffic and cash earnings on your adpack purchases through revenue sharing.

Are you looking for leads, referrals, customers and/or sales for your programs/products/services, look no further, MPA has potential to make all these happen?

Have a look at the amazing stats of MPA:

Launch Date: 30-Mar-2015 (20+ Months old)
Total Members: >222,830 (222+K)
Last Week Pages Viewed: 89,225,280 (89.22 Millions)
Last 24 Hrs Pages Viewed: 11,950,520 (11.95 Millions)
Alexa Rank: <3,042 (3K)
Total Payouts: >USD 22,953,220 (22.95 Millions USD)

AdPacks from 5 USD â€" 50 USD
Adpacks complete at 120% Revenue Sharing Rewards (subjected to the revenue generated by the company)
10% referral commissions
Min withdrawal is 5 USD
Max withdrawal/day is 200 USD (Everyday withdrawals)

Accepted Payment Processors: Payza, STP, Perfect Money, 2Pay4You and Bitcoin.

Advertising Services Offered: Traffic Exchange Views, Banner Ads, Text Ads, Login Ads, Paid-To-Click Ads etc.

Traffic Exchange credits for Free Members: 0.5 credits per 1 page surf and for Paid Members: 1 credit per 1 page surf. Any purchase will make the member status as “Paid Member” permanently.

The AdPack credits can be used to get guaranteed visits to your online earning programs.
Do not miss the high quality PRO traffic that MPA shall offer which has great potential to be converted to signups/sales for your programs.

Get in and give it a try. You won't regret. See you inside.

To Your Success,
Uday N

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60% Commission at Lil Teddy Mailer! AWESOME!!!!!!

<p><span style="color:rgb(103,78,167)"><strong><em>60% Commission at Lil Teddy Mailer! AWESOME!!!!!!</em></strong><br /><br /><strong><em>Join us today at Lil Teddy Mailer!</em></strong><br /><br /><strong><em>*EARN up to 60% Commissions!</em></strong><br /><strong><em>---------------------------------</em></strong><br /><strong><em>Introducing our ONGOING SHORT PERIOD MEMBER CHALLENGES!</em></strong><br /><br /><strong><em>*EARN yourself or your referral a Free Upgrade just by leading a short-period challenges (minimum of 2 days challenge) !</em></strong><br /><strong><em>*EARN MAILING CREDITS, BANNERS &amp; TEXT AD IMPRESSIONS!</em></strong><br /><strong><em>---------------------------------</em></strong><br /><strong><em>EASE OF CLICKING &amp; EARNING CREDITS!</em></strong><br /><strong><em>*Never Miss an Email Ad, NO need to login to your email accounts, you can click from Member Area!</em></strong><br /><br /><strong><em>---------------------------------</em></strong><br /><strong><em>*RECEIVE A LITTLE SOMETHING AFTER JOINING!</em></strong><br /><strong><em>---------------------------------</em></strong><br /><strong><em>*WALK IN $1 ad package offered!</em></strong><br /><strong><em>---------------------------------</em></strong><br /><strong><em>*AFFORDABLE MEMBERSHIP OTOs</em></strong><br /><strong><em>---------------------------------</em></strong><br /><strong><em>*Monthly Credits Bonus!</em></strong><br /><strong><em>---------------------------------</em></strong><br /><strong><em>We are pumping members with REWARDS!!!!!</em></strong><br /><strong><em>&nbsp;It is going to be &nbsp;ON &amp; ON!&nbsp; There will never be TOO LATE FOR JOINING!&nbsp; Every 2-3 day is a FRESH LAUNCH!</em></strong></span><br /><span style="color:rgb(103,78,167)"><strong><em></em></strong></span><br /><strong><span style="color:rgb(103,78,167)"><em>JOIN NOW AND GET STARTED EARNING!!!!</em></span></strong></p>

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Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

#1 Money-Grabbing system for 2017


I hope you had a super nice Holiday weekend!

I wanted to share an income plan that can help to create

your financial Freedom by the end of 2017. You only have to

pay $5.00 out of pocket.

I won't go into a long explanation as we have a team

information site that explains it perfectly. Go here and pay

close attention to the THE SYSTEM BREAKDOWN VIDEO.

If you like what you see at the team information site and are ready to get started:

1) Create a free account here:

2) Log in to your new Ignite account, click on "Level 1 - Sign Up"

in your back office, join The PLR System,copy your PLR affiliate URL, go back to your

Ignite system back office and add it to your profile under "Your Biz Links" Level 1.

3) Look out for a welcome email from me. I have a simple plan of

action to get the 3+ referrals you need (if you need help with that).

If this system/plan is not right for you, then that is okay. Not everything

I do is appealing to everyone.

I appreciate your time!


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Fastest Way to Double Your Sales + FREE Bonuses

Is lead generation one of your most challenging tasks?

Now you can easily design compelling pages that will have new leads falling all over themselves to become part of your inner circle.

Click the link to see this amazing “Profit Builder” system in action and download your free bonuses:

To Your Success,

Shane Harrison


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Win a Jackpot Every Week at Red Hot Hits!

Will BLAZE Your Ads Across Eternity!..

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Hungry for Hits - Join me !!

<p><em><strong>Hungry For Hits is one of the best traffic exchanges, and it&#39;s a site with personality!</strong></em></p><p><em><strong>Brand yourself, have fun surfing, chatting and get great results.</strong></em></p><p><em><strong>Hungry For Hits doesn&#39;t just look good - it IS good</strong></em></p>

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Instant Pro Mailer with up to 75% Commission!

<p><span style="color:rgb(255,153,0)"><em><strong><span style="color:rgb(0,0,255)">Hi everyone!<br /><br />50PerCentCashMailer is a list for<br />&#39;&#39;Pro&#39;&#39; members ONLY<br />Our main concern is quality, not quantity!<br /><br />No FREE Membership is allowed<br />Email Only Qualified Buyers<br />Earn &nbsp;A Generous 20-75 % Commissions<br /><br />Special Lifetime Upgrade for a Limited Time Only!!</span><br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">Silver Membership - usd8(One Time) 40% Commission!!<br />Gold Membership - usd10(One Time) 50% Commission!!<br />Platinum &nbsp;- usd20(One Time) 75% Commission!!</span><br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,0,255)">Signup Bonus 1000 c/1000b/1000ta<br />Use PROMO CODE - newmember<br />for an additional 500 credits<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a><br /><br />JOIN NOW And Mail Like A Pro !</span></strong></em></span></p>

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Rabu, 28 Desember 2016

My Perfect Business Builder

One touch will open to a pathway of many top business
ventures. Join up on the programs you feel are right
for your business plan. Advertise and earn enjoy my

Have fun Bob

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key, New Company opens in January, 2017...

<p>This GIANT Opens its Doors<br />...JANUARY 2017</p><p>Hi key,</p><p>Michael Lines with Tim Sebert and Randy Thomas here.</p><p>They say that &quot;Timing Is Everything&quot; in business<br />and how true that is! Randy and I received a call<br />from the owner of a company that opens its doors<br />the first week in January, 2017.</p><p>This gentleman&#39;s last company did over 1 Billion<br />Doll ars in business and we&#39;ve known him for years<br />so we know his reputation of being a caring, Christian<br />business owner. He was out of the Industry for 2 years<br />and now he&#39;s back.</p><p>His new company with it&#39;s ONE-OF-A-KIND product<br />technology will dwarf his last company and we&#39;re at<br />the TOP. We&#39;re looking for people who want to be at<br />the very Top of this company with us!</p><p>If you want more information and a chance to reserve<br />a position at the Top with us, go here NOW:</p><p>Click the Credit link in this email</p><p><br />Please feel fr e e to call with any questions.</p><p>Michael Lines, Tim Sebert and Randy Thomas,<br />(248)979-3515<br />.</p>

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Brand New Jackpot TE Just Launched

Will BLAZE Your Ads Across Eternity!..

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Best Giveaway Profit System key

Internet Marketers
Opportunity Seekers
Online Earners

They are all waiting for your ADS!

Join today as this is a VERY LIMITED OFFER, and get:

* 1 Contact Solo Ad -> Every month
* 10000 Banner Impressions -> Every month
* 500 GUARANTEED Visits -> Every month

This opportunity has already PROVEN to be a jackpot,
and members who promote it are going to get huge monetary benefits.

All the Best!

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MyPayingAds-Daily Progress Update!

MyPayingAds (MPA) - A 20 months old Revenue Sharing Program growing steadily and have been delivering great results. You will get PRO quality traffic and cash earnings on your adpack purchases through revenue sharing.

Are you looking for leads, referrals, customers and/or sales for your programs/products/services, look no further, MPA has potential to make all these happen?

Have a look at the amazing stats of MPA:

Launch Date: 30-Mar-2015 (20+ Months old)
Total Members: >222,830 (222+K)
Last Week Pages Viewed: 89,225,280 (89.22 Millions)
Last 24 Hrs Pages Viewed: 11,950,520 (11.95 Millions)
Alexa Rank: <3,042 (3K)
Total Payouts: >USD 22,953,220 (22.95 Millions USD)

AdPacks from 5 USD â€" 50 USD
Adpacks complete at 120% Revenue Sharing Rewards (subjected to the revenue generated by the company)
10% referral commissions
Min withdrawal is 5 USD
Max withdrawal/day is 200 USD (Everyday withdrawals)

Accepted Payment Processors: Payza, STP, Perfect Money, 2Pay4You and Bitcoin.

Advertising Services Offered: Traffic Exchange Views, Banner Ads, Text Ads, Login Ads, Paid-To-Click Ads etc.

Traffic Exchange credits for Free Members: 0.5 credits per 1 page surf and for Paid Members: 1 credit per 1 page surf. Any purchase will make the member status as “Paid Member” permanently.

The AdPack credits can be used to get guaranteed visits to your online earning programs.
Do not miss the high quality PRO traffic that MPA shall offer which has great potential to be converted to signups/sales for your programs.

Get in and give it a try. You won't regret. See you inside.

To Your Success,
Uday N

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Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

USD25.00+ Daily Networking and up to USD2 Million

<p>Dear key ireng,</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Grace, good, wisdom, peace and life in plenty.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>See in the page here shared <strong>all the references </strong>I&#39;m sharing you. Consider carefully work it as well and work in a smart way. And you will harvest good results!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Here one of services I&#39;m sharing is <strong><strong>a social network where members can earn USD25.00+ daily</strong></strong> focused in quality contributions and membership and services useful for web marketing as well.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Working mentioned services you can earn up to USD2,152,337.10 only in one of recommended powerful services. And so much working all I&#39;m showing here. Working other one, see personal recommended links in this advertisement linked page, you can earn<strong> </strong>up to USD559,824.00. Both starting and working by insignificant few joining fees. As I&#39;m doing... Other ones also here shared offers USD1,500.00 to USD6,000.00+ monthly income potential. Working online at your preferred place and own timing comfort... And we have some payments proofs reports as well...</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>With or without experience on this industry work you can succeed. Joining my team you&#39;ll have my approach to coach you in a personalized careful way if you need and request it. Know me starting by my personal page also presented in this ad linked page.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>All the Best! Thanks for your smart attention,</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Tarcisio S. Salles</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong></strong></p>

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I received money

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Unlock Big Rewards At Purple Vault Mailer


Just wanted to take a moment to introduce
you to Purple Vault Mailer and why this
great mailer is one that you really should use.

We have added a little fun into the chore of
clicking emails and here as you click them
you open safe deposit boxes.

These not only contain credits but can also
contain part of the combination to the Purple

By unlocking the purple vault before the week
is out means a huge prize for you.

Fail and it will all reset next week. So head on
over now and have a look at this fun traffic

Have a great day
Ike Fatmasari

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***Brand New Jackpot Mailer Just Launched!!!***

Will BLAZE Your Ads Across Eternity!..

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AIOP Power Downline Builder

Are You Wasting To Much Time and Money?

Are You Working to Hard to Achieve Your Dreams?

If you're not getting the results you need for your desired income, then you've got to Try Our AIOP Power Downline Builder"

Join the Fastest Growing Team Build in AIOP.

Johnny Sanders

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Hi there
Are you currently following a dead end trend that is one
BIGGEST reasons most people fail miserably online?




Alfred Cwothum here and I sell on eBay using Wholesale2b,
the #1 Dropshipper in North America.

Drop shipping is the easiest way to start an online business.

On the average day, I earn $50 to $100 per day without
spending all day clicking or posting ads and hoping I
will get 100's of referrals that will buy something. Hey,
that rarely happens even if they say it does.

I was one of you, clicking and posting ads and hoping to
strike it rich with those dead-end affiliate programs.

As I'm making good money with WHOLESALE2B,this is the
only program that I now promote as I know it WORKS.

You don't need to buy the products to sell till you have
a sale. Then you pay your cost and pocket the rest.

No copying and pasting ads. No shipping. Everything is
done for you. With a couple of clicks your ad is posted
on any ebay site you choose.

All you have to do is list the products you want to sell.

With over 1.5 million products, your sure to find many to
sell on eBay or anywhere else you choose.


1.5 Million dropship products

eBay listing tool

Amazon listing tool,

dropship data feeds,

turnkey dropship websites.

Wholesale2b provides everything you need.

Forget about clicking traffic exchanges or mailers.

Check out Wholesale2b today. You'll be glad you did.
I know I was.
Click the banner or email link.

Yours for a better tomorrow.

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Is Your Advertising In The Doghouse Lately??
Let It Out Of The Bag With Cool Cat Hits!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This outstanding traffic exchange not only provides you with all the advertising options your site needs, they also walk you through each process and best way to use it.

Now here's where it gets real good...

* They offer Effective Advertising!
* 7, 5, 3 Second Timer
* 3:1 - (1:1 Pro) ratios
* Quick Moving Traffic
* Referral Bonuses
* Surfing Rewards
* Downline Builder
* Residual Income
* Residual Traffic
* Commissions, Commissions, Commissions
* Plus more, more.. and MORE!

If this sounds good to you (and it really is), get your free Cool Cat Hits membership so you can see for yourself how great this Manual Traffic Exchange really is! Join today!.

You must act now...

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New mailer with cheap lifetime OTO

<p><em><strong>In just a week PRELAUNCH have paid thousands of commission already!&nbsp;<br />Have made hundreds of Upgrades!<br />I was so lucky to be a PART OF THIS GROWING OPPORTUNITY MACHINE.<br />BEST OFFER NOW is 29usd OTO which makes you a GOLD-FOUNDER member that earns you a lifetime of 70% commissions!&nbsp;<br />HOW COOL IS THAT????<br />How many $20 can you make during pre-launch?<br />Add them up and you get yourself a big Xmas gift!<br />COME AND CHECK OUT OUR MAGICAL MAILER!&nbsp; BUILD YOUR COMMISSIONS BUILD YOUR LIST!!!!<br />THIS IS TOOOOOO HOT!<br /><br />Take the OTO<br />You will receive instantly<br />10k Mailing Credits, 10k Banners &amp; 10k TextAds<br />10k Square Banner Imp.<br /><br />and wow! ... 5 Immortal Banners!<br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a><br />Join now and don&#39;t pass the OTO!<br />See you!</strong></em></p>

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Senin, 26 Desember 2016


Read This Very Carefully

Hi key

Firstly, I hope that your Christmas has been wonderful and filled with memories you will always treasure.

Now Then, Something for 2017, TOAN will pay you to advertise and it will deliver 1000s traffic to your programs.

But most of all the reason I like TOAN is because of one unique team building feature.

And we are building a super team with a fantastic start already.

Commissions are the exact same for all spillover members.

So when you get spillover, you get the same commission as if you made the sale your self.

Where have you seen that!

Remember, you do not need a single direct referral to earn with. You can earn the exact same by having spillover fill your levels.

You can earn the exact same by having spillover fill your levels.....Thats why I will be helping you and promting for you too

Go to the link below to Get all the details

Your Success In Profits

Webmaster & IM Warrior

I will send you my EXACT ADVERTISING SYSTEM, That's over 490K of fr=e=e advertising all on my own site that took years to build, so that its nice and easy for you to use daily and all nicely organized to use every day....My personal system that I use and made serious income and will be using this to help build for you also.....Make 2017 a year to change your life

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Brand New Jackpot TE Just Launched!

Will BLAZE Your Ads Across Eternity!..

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Pro Mailer With 50% Coms & $10 Lifetime Membership

<p>Hey there,<br /><br />There are lots of mailers opening their doors each<br />and every day, but most are just the same old thing.<br />However right now you can join a mailer that will<br />not only send your mail to just qualified buyers but<br />will also only charge you a credit when your email is<br />clicked.<br />On top of that its all enclosed in a system that can<br />guarantee that you <span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">earn 50% per active referral</span> and<br />you can have <span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">full lifetime membership for just $10.</span><br /><br />Stop wasting time mailing freebie seekers and join<br />the pro&#39;s that are <span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">making guaranteed 50% per active</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">referral.</span><br /><br />Thanks for your time</p>

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Need To Score More Traffic And Sales?

This new Viral List Builder has exploded onto the net
a month ago and it literally has become one
of The Best Email Marketing programs online!

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Minggu, 25 Desember 2016

MyPayingAds-Daily Progress Update!

MyPayingAds (MPA) - A 20 months old Revenue Sharing Program growing steadily and have been delivering great results. You will get PRO quality traffic and cash earnings on your adpack purchases through revenue sharing.

Are you looking for leads, referrals, customers and/or sales for your programs/products/services, look no further, MPA has potential to make all these happen?

Have a look at the amazing stats of MPA:

Launch Date: 30-Mar-2015 (20+ Months old)
Total Members: >222,830 (222+K)
Last Week Pages Viewed: 89,225,280 (89.22 Millions)
Last 24 Hrs Pages Viewed: 11,950,520 (11.95 Millions)
Alexa Rank: <3,042 (3K)
Total Payouts: >USD 22,953,220 (22.95 Millions USD)

AdPacks from 5 USD â€" 50 USD
Adpacks complete at 120% Revenue Sharing Rewards (subjected to the revenue generated by the company)
10% referral commissions
Min withdrawal is 5 USD
Max withdrawal/day is 200 USD (Everyday withdrawals)

Accepted Payment Processors: Payza, STP, Perfect Money, 2Pay4You and Bitcoin.

Advertising Services Offered: Traffic Exchange Views, Banner Ads, Text Ads, Login Ads, Paid-To-Click Ads etc.

Traffic Exchange credits for Free Members: 0.5 credits per 1 page surf and for Paid Members: 1 credit per 1 page surf. Any purchase will make the member status as “Paid Member” permanently.

The AdPack credits can be used to get guaranteed visits to your online earning programs.
Do not miss the high quality PRO traffic that MPA shall offer which has great potential to be converted to signups/sales for your programs.

Get in and give it a try. You won't regret. See you inside.

To Your Success,
Uday N

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Attention Online Marketers do you want to know how

The past few months I have professionally done 5 Star Videos SEE the EXCITING details here!

These real customer reviews are incredible and offers REAL value for one purpose - helping you make sales - in ANY PROGRAM!...

Yours In Success,
Howard Martell

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Brand New Jackpot TE Just Launched!!!

Will BLAZE Your Ads Across Eternity!..

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Pivotal Traffic!usd 19.95Lifetime!50% Commission

<p><em><strong>JUST LAUNCHED: PIVOTAL TRAFFIC MAILER by Julius Covington<br /><br />My partners and I have launched a new mailer - Pivotal Traffic<br />and I&#39;m VERY excited.<br />Pivot Your Marketing In A New Direction!<br /><br />Take advantage of the Pre-Launch OTO.<br />The price goes up when members grow - Only $39 Right Now!<br /><br />Here are just a few of the benefits:<br /><br />&nbsp;- Up to 5,000 Credits Every Month!<br />&nbsp;- Up to 500 Banner AND Text Impressions Every Month!<br />&nbsp;- Up to 500 Text Impressions Every Month!<br />&nbsp;- Mail as little as Every 12 Hours!<br />&nbsp;- Make up to 50% Commission (even Free members earn commissions)<br /><br />Join free, but make sure you take advantage of the<br /><br />LIFETIME GOLD OTO Special!<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a><br /><br />Don&#39;t hesitate Join Now!!</strong></em></p>

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Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016


Subject: How To Turn 2 Dollars Into Pure Profit FAST!

Hello fellow marketer,

If I told you that my new bank was offering 100% interest per annum, would you invest your money with that bank? (I know, it's unheard of in ANY bank!). What if I told you I know a place that can multiply your initial investment by more than 1500? Would that get your attention?

Take a look here now:

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Mail to 110 Top Mailers with just one click!


I am very excited to share this with you!

Finally a site that really has your best interests in mind and gives you the tools you need to succeed.

Marty Petrizza has just launched the Referral Frenzy affiliate member area.

You can now mail to 89 mailers with a few clicks. All mails can be out in 15 minutes.

You will get unlimited banner and text views on site.

Monthly advertising that really will count! Plenty of it!!

How about this!!

20,900 surf credits, 89,200 mailer credits, 224,600 banners and texts Every month.

You have GOT to believe in yourself and invest in advertising that works if you are to succeed.

Join us today!

Marty Petrizza

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MyPayingAds-Daily Progress Update!

MyPayingAds (MPA) - A 20 months old Revenue Sharing Program growing steadily and have been delivering great results. You will get PRO quality traffic and cash earnings on your adpack purchases through revenue sharing.

Are you looking for leads, referrals, customers and/or sales for your programs/products/services, look no further, MPA has potential to make all these happen?

Have a look at the amazing stats of MPA:

Launch Date: 30-Mar-2015 (20+ Months old)
Total Members: >222,830 (222+K)
Last Week Pages Viewed: 89,225,280 (89.22 Millions)
Last 24 Hrs Pages Viewed: 11,950,520 (11.95 Millions)
Alexa Rank: <3,042 (3K)
Total Payouts: >USD 22,953,220 (22.95 Millions USD)

AdPacks from 5 USD â€" 50 USD
Adpacks complete at 120% Revenue Sharing Rewards (subjected to the revenue generated by the company)
10% referral commissions
Min withdrawal is 5 USD
Max withdrawal/day is 200 USD (Everyday withdrawals)

Accepted Payment Processors: Payza, STP, Perfect Money, 2Pay4You and Bitcoin.

Advertising Services Offered: Traffic Exchange Views, Banner Ads, Text Ads, Login Ads, Paid-To-Click Ads etc.

Traffic Exchange credits for Free Members: 0.5 credits per 1 page surf and for Paid Members: 1 credit per 1 page surf. Any purchase will make the member status as “Paid Member” permanently.

The AdPack credits can be used to get guaranteed visits to your online earning programs.
Do not miss the high quality PRO traffic that MPA shall offer which has great potential to be converted to signups/sales for your programs.

Get in and give it a try. You won't regret. See you inside.

To Your Success,
Uday N

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[ Just Launched - Guaranteed Unlimited & Targeted

<p>Get a steady flow of visitors delivered daily!&nbsp;</p><p>With our unlimited campaigns there is No Cap on the amount of traffic you receive.</p><p>Literally get thousands of visitors each month!</p><p>Packages Include:<br />&bull;10,000 to 100,000 Visitors<br />&bull;Unlimited 1 month - 1 Year</p><p>Sorry, we can&#39;t make the claim to to send &quot;Millions&quot; as some do, but our visitors are &quot;Real&quot; humans<br />looking at your site, no fake robot hits here. In fact a lot of our traffic comes direct from search engines.<br />Millions of fake hits do you no good. Robots can&#39;t sign up or make purchases.</p><p>Our Traffic Campaigns Work Great With All Website Types Including:</p><p>This Traffic is great if you want signups and sales for...</p><p>* Any Affiliate Program<br />* Business Opportunities<br />* List building and social connections<br />* Backlinking purposes</p><p>Get Details Here:</p><p>==&gt;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Yours In Success,<br />Jeremiah and Cindy Johnson&nbsp;<br />Webmaster<br /><br />&nbsp;<br />Build And Grow Your List Fast eBook<br />&gt;<br />Make your first $100 online<br />&gt;<br />IBO TOOLBOX<br />&gt;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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Jumat, 23 Desember 2016

Clicksense since 2007

There are many benefits that go along with being a PREMIUM member, like:
Referral signup commissions
Higher direct referral commissions
More chances to win in ClixGrid
8-Tier Affiliate Program *

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Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

MyPayingAds-Daily Progress Update!

MyPayingAds (MPA) - A 20 months old Revenue Sharing Program growing steadily and have been delivering great results. You will get PRO quality traffic and cash earnings on your adpack purchases through revenue sharing.

Are you looking for leads, referrals, customers and/or sales for your programs/products/services, look no further, MPA has potential to make all these happen?

Have a look at the amazing stats of MPA:

Launch Date: 30-Mar-2015 (20+ Months old)
Total Members: >222,830 (222+K)
Last Week Pages Viewed: 89,225,280 (89.22 Millions)
Last 24 Hrs Pages Viewed: 11,950,520 (11.95 Millions)
Alexa Rank: <3,042 (3K)
Total Payouts: >USD 22,953,220 (22.95 Millions USD)

AdPacks from 5 USD â€" 50 USD
Adpacks complete at 120% Revenue Sharing Rewards (subjected to the revenue generated by the company)
10% referral commissions
Min withdrawal is 5 USD
Max withdrawal/day is 200 USD (Everyday withdrawals)

Accepted Payment Processors: Payza, STP, Perfect Money, 2Pay4You and Bitcoin.

Advertising Services Offered: Traffic Exchange Views, Banner Ads, Text Ads, Login Ads, Paid-To-Click Ads etc.

Traffic Exchange credits for Free Members: 0.5 credits per 1 page surf and for Paid Members: 1 credit per 1 page surf. Any purchase will make the member status as “Paid Member” permanently.

The AdPack credits can be used to get guaranteed visits to your online earning programs.
Do not miss the high quality PRO traffic that MPA shall offer which has great potential to be converted to signups/sales for your programs.

Get in and give it a try. You won't regret. See you inside.

To Your Success,
Uday N

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Brand New Jackpot Mailer Just Launched!

Will BLAZE Your Ads Across Eternity!..

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key, New Company opens in January, 2017...

<p>This GIANT Opens its Doors<br />...JANUARY 2017</p><p>Hi key,</p><p>Michael Lines with Tim Sebert and Randy Thomas here.</p><p>They say that &quot;Timing Is Everything&quot; in business<br />and how true that is! Randy and I received a call<br />from the owner of a company that opens its doors<br />the first week in January, 2017.</p><p>This gentleman&#39;s last company did over 1 Billion<br />Doll ars in business and we&#39;ve known him for years<br />so we know his reputation of being a caring, Christian<br />business owner. He was out of the Industry for 2 years<br />and now he&#39;s back.</p><p>His new company with it&#39;s ONE-OF-A-KIND product<br />technology will dwarf his last company and we&#39;re at<br />the TOP. We&#39;re looking for people who want to be at<br />the very Top of this company with us!</p><p>If you want more information and a chance to reserve<br />a position at the Top with us, go here NOW:</p><p>Click the Credit link in this email</p><p><br />Please feel fr e e to call with any questions.</p><p>Michael Lines, Tim Sebert and Randy Thomas,<br />(248)979-3515<br />.</p>

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You sure will be payd

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Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

Is Your Traffic System Keeping You From Growing?


Small business and need more potential customers coming to your website and learning about you and your products and services then this is exactly the guaranteed traffic source you need to bring in all the work and orders you can handle.
Get More And Long Time Traffic,Long Profits,Long Time Earn Benefit!

Your website will receive unlimited real human visitors for 7,15,33,55,120Days, Most websites in the rotator receive between
unlimited visitors per day and there is no set limit on the amount of visitors you can receive to your website
Once your website has been approved and added to the rotator you will instantly start receiving real human website visitors.

Your website is added in to a Rotator Running 24/7 on Several High-Traffic Websites, including Paid to Click,Keyword Traffic,Revenue Share & manual surf exchange sites. Giving you great exposure.

Have A Good Day!

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A YouTube Channel Making $10,531 A Month...

<p>Hey, it&rsquo;s john Gather here.<br />Today&rsquo;s email is important, so read it all.<br />WOW.<br />I got sent a link to the most in-depth<br />YouTube training there is right now&hellip;<br />&hellip; and it blew me away.<br />In fact, imagine being able to make a full<br />time income doing something you love to<br />do?<br />This has it all.<br />Watch this video here.&nbsp;<br />The 6 step process is easy to follow, and<br />the results are there for you to see.<br />Oh, by the way.<br />There&rsquo;s an $187 discount right now too.<br />Click here to see it.&nbsp;</p><p>John gathers</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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My company has been compared to industry giants like Uber and AirBnB.

We totally revolutionized the networking industry with 100% direct pay and systems like no other.

Find out more...

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Hot!!Platinum Founder Pays you 70% Commission!

<div><span style="color:rgb(11,83,148)"><strong>Hello everyone,</strong><br /><br /><strong>I hope you are all doing great and</strong><br /><strong>you have a great week.</strong><br /><strong>&nbsp;I just wanna invite you to join</strong><br /><strong>my new mailer, Temple Of The Mails</strong><br /><br /><strong>&nbsp;March 01,2016 - Just Launched!</strong><br /><br /><strong>Special OFFER for a limited time !</strong><br /><br /><strong>Check these offers an take advantage now!</strong><br /><br /><strong>Only 30 will be sold at these prices!!</strong><br /><br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)"><strong>Platinum Lifetime usd14.97 - 70% Commission</strong></span><br /><br /><br /><strong>1000 credits Bonus Signup Each and every Month After!</strong><br /><br /><br /><strong>Don&#39;t waste another moment! Register below</strong><br /><br /><strong>and get your advertising campaign up and running!</strong><br /><br /><br /><strong><a target="_blank" href=""></a></strong><br /><br /><br /><strong>My Best Regards,</strong></span></div>

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MyPayingAds-Daily Progress Update!

MyPayingAds (MPA) - A 20 months old Revenue Sharing Program growing steadily and have been delivering great results. You will get PRO quality traffic and cash earnings on your adpack purchases through revenue sharing.

Are you looking for leads, referrals, customers and/or sales for your programs/products/services, look no further, MPA has potential to make all these happen?

Have a look at the amazing stats of MPA:

Launch Date: 30-Mar-2015 (20+ Months old)
Total Members: >222,830 (222+K)
Last Week Pages Viewed: 89,225,280 (89.22 Millions)
Last 24 Hrs Pages Viewed: 11,950,520 (11.95 Millions)
Alexa Rank: <3,042 (3K)
Total Payouts: >USD 22,953,220 (22.95 Millions USD)

AdPacks from 5 USD â€" 50 USD
Adpacks complete at 120% Revenue Sharing Rewards (subjected to the revenue generated by the company)
10% referral commissions
Min withdrawal is 5 USD
Max withdrawal/day is 200 USD (Everyday withdrawals)

Accepted Payment Processors: Payza, STP, Perfect Money, 2Pay4You and Bitcoin.

Advertising Services Offered: Traffic Exchange Views, Banner Ads, Text Ads, Login Ads, Paid-To-Click Ads etc.

Traffic Exchange credits for Free Members: 0.5 credits per 1 page surf and for Paid Members: 1 credit per 1 page surf. Any purchase will make the member status as “Paid Member” permanently.

The AdPack credits can be used to get guaranteed visits to your online earning programs.
Do not miss the high quality PRO traffic that MPA shall offer which has great potential to be converted to signups/sales for your programs.

Get in and give it a try. You won't regret. See you inside.

To Your Success,
Uday N

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Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

The Go To Team!

Hello Fellow Online Earners!
So many of us started our online business with vision of earning an unbelievable income, only to find out that after a while we were left behind.
Well it's not too late!
Get the team support that you need with Team Atlantis!
Team Atlantis will help you learn and earn the right way, and you will have the support of our team from start to finish.
Come with us and learn more!!  It's worth a little investment of your time for so much more!
Murray Ells
Never Quit!!!

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Brand New Jackpot Mailer Just Launched!!!

Will BLAZE Your Ads Across Eternity!..

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Subject: How To Turn 2 Dollars Into Pure Profit FAST!

Hello fellow marketer,

If I told you that my new bank was offering 100% interest per annum, would you invest your money with that bank? (I know, it's unheard of in ANY bank!). What if I told you I know a place that can multiply your initial investment by more than 1500? Would that get your attention?

Take a look here now:

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The #1 Done-For-You Program (for BEGINNERS only)

You often hear the phrase "done for you" banded about.
Well in this case it's true...

1. Someone else does all the website set-up
2. Someone else does all of the email follow-up with your leads
3. Someone else does all of the product creation
4. Someone else sends all the traffic for you
(you just determine how much you want based on your budget)
5. Someone else builds your email list
6. Someone else does all of the selling
7. Someone else does all of the customer support
8. You split all of the profits 50/50

All that's left for you to do is to activate it!

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★Make Money Just For Being Online! Nothing Else!

<p><strong><span style="color:black">Hey Friend,</span></strong></p><p><span style="color:black">Introducing</span><span style="color:black">&nbsp;</span><strong><span style="color:red">MYCASHBAR.</span></strong></p><p><span style="color:black">No Investment,No Surf,No Clicks required just SIGN-UP and DOWNLOAD</span></p><p><span style="color:black">The SOFTWARE and allows it to advertise automatically.NOthing more</span></p><p><span style="color:black">nothing Less!</span></p><p><strong><span style="color:#3333FF">No Referral (You alone) will earn $3.5/month</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#3333FF">100 referrals ($3.5)=$350/month</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#3333FF">1000 referrals ($3.5)=$3500/month and so on ..</span></strong><span style="color:black">.</span></p><p><span style="color:black">There`s a lot more about 5th level income</span></p><p><span style="color:black">&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color:black">See You on Top</span></p><p><span style="color:black">Buddy&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="background-color:rgb(238, 238, 238); color:rgb(0, 3, 51)"></span></p>

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LeasedAdSpace Pays 100% Commissions to You!

LAS Gives Struggling Marketers The Break They Need

Hey there,

Free traffic is great but for REAL RESULTS think solo
ads and search engine traffic.

But seriously, who can afford the price of a top quality
solo ad?

And how many people have SEO knowledge? Not Me!

Not the average marketer on a shoestring budget, that's
for sure!

Well, think again!

LeasedAdSpace gives you a top quality solo ad ONCE A

For just 7 bucks one-time - no matter how big the list

In a few months that list will be tens of thousands strong!

Not only that, but every solo ad you send gets posted to
their blog and if you know how much Google likes blogs..

You'll know that this means YOUR AD will appear in the
search engines REAL REGULARLY!

That 7 bucks could be the best money you ever spent on
your business.

Isn't it worth 7 bucks of YOUR STASH?

And the icing on the cake is it also gets you a matrix position
and you benefit from my spillover!

Every time I refer somebody who buys a 7 buck ad package
the payment goes.... TO ONE OF MY DOWNLINE!

It's the best value advertising you'll see online today.


Thanks For YOUR Time,
Audrey Sorg

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MyPayingAds-Daily Progress Update!

MyPayingAds (MPA) - A 20 months old Revenue Sharing Program growing steadily and have been delivering great results. You will get PRO quality traffic and cash earnings on your adpack purchases through revenue sharing.

Are you looking for leads, referrals, customers and/or sales for your programs/products/services, look no further, MPA has potential to make all these happen?

Have a look at the amazing stats of MPA:

Launch Date: 30-Mar-2015 (20+ Months old)
Total Members: >222,830 (222+K)
Last Week Pages Viewed: 89,225,280 (89.22 Millions)
Last 24 Hrs Pages Viewed: 11,950,520 (11.95 Millions)
Alexa Rank: <3,042 (3K)
Total Payouts: >USD 22,953,220 (22.95 Millions USD)

AdPacks from 5 USD â€" 50 USD
Adpacks complete at 120% Revenue Sharing Rewards (subjected to the revenue generated by the company)
10% referral commissions
Min withdrawal is 5 USD
Max withdrawal/day is 200 USD (Everyday withdrawals)

Accepted Payment Processors: Payza, STP, Perfect Money, 2Pay4You and Bitcoin.

Advertising Services Offered: Traffic Exchange Views, Banner Ads, Text Ads, Login Ads, Paid-To-Click Ads etc.

Traffic Exchange credits for Free Members: 0.5 credits per 1 page surf and for Paid Members: 1 credit per 1 page surf. Any purchase will make the member status as “Paid Member” permanently.

The AdPack credits can be used to get guaranteed visits to your online earning programs.
Do not miss the high quality PRO traffic that MPA shall offer which has great potential to be converted to signups/sales for your programs.

Get in and give it a try. You won't regret. See you inside.

To Your Success,
Uday N

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Senin, 19 Desember 2016

Give the Gift of an Online Business Massive Tr

Looking for a unique gift?

Give a Ready to go Business!

Our online business package can produce income now and for years to come.

Maybe it's even the perfect gift for you?

This is the gift that can REALLY keep on giving as your business grows!

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Top Priority mailer is proving to be a huge hit
with it's members.

TPM Is Building a real list to advertise your
business or affiliate programs, leading to
more traffic, more conversions and sales.

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Let MTE Ad Co-Op do all the work for you

<p>Hello <span style="background-color:rgb(238, 238, 238); color:rgb(0, 3, 51)">key</span>,<br />&nbsp;</p><p>Check out this ad from our MTE Ad Co-Op member who is using our safe list blaster service.<br />&nbsp;</p><p>Get your site blasted out daily to the top safe list and viral mailers in the&nbsp;<br />industry. Join MTE Ad Co-Op today!<br />&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Regards,<br />&nbsp;</p><p>Thomas Walls<br /><br />MTE Admin<br />&nbsp;</p>

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Subject: How To Turn 2 Dollars Into Pure Profit FAST!

Hello fellow marketer,

If I told you that my new bank was offering 100% interest per annum, would you invest your money with that bank? (I know, it's unheard of in ANY bank!). What if I told you I know a place that can multiply your initial investment by more than 1500? Would that get your attention?

Take a look here now:

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Hot!!Platinum Founder Pays you 70% Commission!

<div><span style="color:rgb(11,83,148)"><strong>Hello everyone,</strong><br /><br /><strong>I hope you are all doing great and</strong><br /><strong>you have a great week.</strong><br /><strong>&nbsp;I just wanna invite you to join</strong><br /><strong>my new mailer, Temple Of The Mails</strong><br /><br /><strong>&nbsp;March 01,2016 - Just Launched!</strong><br /><br /><strong>Special OFFER for a limited time !</strong><br /><br /><strong>Check these offers an take advantage now!</strong><br /><br /><strong>Only 30 will be sold at these prices!!</strong><br /><br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)"><strong>Platinum Lifetime usd14.97 - 70% Commission</strong></span><br /><br /><br /><strong>1000 credits Bonus Signup Each and every Month After!</strong><br /><br /><br /><strong>Don&#39;t waste another moment! Register below</strong><br /><br /><strong>and get your advertising campaign up and running!</strong><br /><br /><br /><strong><a target="_blank" href=""></a></strong><br /><br /><br /><strong>My Best Regards,</strong></span></div>

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